League of Friends Brampton Cottage Hospital

The Brampton and District War Memorial Hospital has 15 step-up/stepdown beds providing acute, rehabilitative and end- of- life care for adult patients from the Carlisle area and beyond. There is a physiotherapy department and podiatry clinic on site, and outpatient clinics including speech therapy, elderly care, psychiatric and counselling services. In addition there are administration rooms housing Occupational Therapy, Community Rehabilitation services and District Nursing.
THE LEAGUE OF FRIENDS OF THE BRAMPTON AND DISTRICT WAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AND THE COMMUNITY is a charity which assists the people of the Community, including patients and former patients of the hospital who are sick, convalescent, disabled, handicapped or infirm and generally to support the charitable work of the Hospital and the Community.
Following the election of the first Committee in 1977 the League of Friends has expanded and through charitable dontations and activities have provided many important improvements to help the lives of patients and members of the community.
Meetings take place on a regular basis and more information will be available here on the work of the League of Friends soon.
The League of Friends are currently seeking your views on "What would make this hospital better?"
As a user of this hospital, whether as in- or out-patient, visitor, or staff member, please let us know what improvements would make a positive difference to your stay.
The League of Friends of Brampton Community Hospital has funds available to make improvements. We merely need your help to identify the needs. Our contact details are listed below.
Also, if you would like to make a donation to the League’s work, or to learn more about what we do, you can contact us by email or telephone as follows:-
Chairman: John Holland 01228 670051 holland1947@uwclub.net
Treasurer: Marilyn Salkeld jdsalkeld64@btinternet.com
Secretary: John Burn 016977 2424 john.burn@email.com