Practice News

11th Jul

Missed Appointments June 2024


Please help us to help you.

During June 2024 there were 223 appointments at Brampton Medical Practice where patients failed to attend.  These appointments were not cancelled which would have allowed other patients the opportunity to book.

This is a combination of GP, Nurses, Health Care Assistants, and First Contact Physiotherapy hours. 

150 of these patients would have received 2 reminders including the following details - If you can’t attend text back: CANCEL.

Can we ask that you stop for just a moment to text a reply CANCEL if you are unable to attend or no longer require an appointment?  Alternatively, call 016977 2551.

We thank you for considering others waiting for an appointment.

18th Dec 2023

Primary Care Careers in North Cumbria

Passionate about finding a career that helps others, but not sure, what might be right for you?

This programme will help you get a better understanding of different careers on offer to you in the world of health and care. Exploring the world of primary care - the gateway to most health and care services - you will explore key careers available, and participate in a series of activities, quizzes, and webinars to bring you closer than ever to a career in care.

This programme is open to anyone aged 13+, up to 7 hours’ worth of content, complete at a pace that suits you and receive a certificate on completion which can enhance your applications for jobs, apprenticeships and UCAS personal statement.


For more information click here Primary Care Careers in North Cumbria ( 

Private GP
2nd Nov 2023

Thinking about seeing a Private GP

13th Sep 2023

Annual Reviews

All patients with a chronic disease are required to have an annual review. The purpose of the review is to ensure patients are taking the right medication and their condition is being managed. You will normally be invited for review around your birthday month. 

If you have one of the following conditions – Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Heart Failure, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Atrial Fibrillation, Stroke, CVA (cerebral vascular accident), TIA (Transient ischaemic attack) or Chronic Kidney Disease - you will be asked about your current health & lifestyle; we will take blood samples and check your blood pressure, pulse rate, height and weight.

Patients with Respiratory conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease & Asthma should bring any inhalers they use with them to their appointment. A breathing test known as a peak flow test may be carried out.  Blood tests are not required.

Patients with Autism will be asked about their health, wellbeing & lifestyle. Physical checks will include height, weight, blood pressure and pulse rate.

Patients with a Learning Disability will be asked about their health, wellbeing & lifestyle. Physical checks will include blood tests, height, weight, blood pressure and pulse rate.

Invites to annual reviews will be sent via text to those with a mobile number and by letter to those without.  If you do not attend following the initial invite a second invitation will be sent.